Yesterday I finally went to send my box of stuff home. Actually I packed everything into one box as it’s cheaper than sending 2 boxes. However, there’s a weight limit of 66lbs and a box length limit. In the end, still ended up sending 2 boxes.
This is the second time I deal with USA state offices. The first time was when I tried to take my driving test. Now, I have to deal with another stupid incident with stupid and inflexible people.
Now, long before I packed my box, I’ve already went to the post office in downtown Fairfield to ask about the costs, dimensions of boxes, weight limits, etc. I even had the woman there write down the information so I can refer and adhere to it when I buy my box and pack my things. After I packed, I went online to check too and I thought that everything was good, except that maybe I’m over the weight limit. But those things had to be sent home as they’re taking too much space and I don’t need them anymore, at least for the next few months.
I know that my box is like over 70lbs, so I can’t carry the box by myself. The day before, I got Dan to put it in the van so I can bring it over to the post office. In Fairfield, there’s 3 post offices. Bere said I should go to this other post office instead of the downtown one as they have a trolley available there to help with big packages. So, I listened to her and went to this other post office. When I got there, the trolley is nowhere in sight. I had to go inside the post office to ask the man at the counter if I can have one. He was helpful enough to get it for me, but I can sense his reluctance. This is what passed between us:
Me: Do you have a trolley I can use as I have a big 70lbs(a lie!) box in the car that’s too heavy for me to carry in.
Him: Are you sure it’s 70lbs? We cannot take more than 70lbs. Ermm…I don’t know if we have a trolley. Ermmm…let me go check. You go wait outside by the blue door. If we have one, I’ll bring it out there.
So, he got one for me and I brought the trolley to my car, pulled and struggled to put the box onto it and pushed it back inside the post office. I joined the queue for like 10mins and ’suay suay’ it was the same guy that got the trolley for me that served me. When I pushed my trolley towards him, he was like, ‘ Oh boy, here we come!‘ in a not funny way.
The moment he saw my box, he’s saying, my box is too big and does not meet the standards required. He proceeded to pull out the thick book of guidelines and flipped to the one for S’pore. Then, he took out his measuring tape and started measuring the box and confirmed that my box is too big. I was going like, what! I did ask before about the measurements and I’m sure my box is below the requirements. It maybe overweight but it certainly is not too big! But, he kept pointing to the book and even showed me and refused to weigh the box or do anything for me. I had no choice but to bring the box back to my car. But the man even had the cheek to say, ‘You can use the trolley to push the box back to your car but please push it back and leave it beside the blue door.‘ I nearly wanted to slap him! I’m NOT that rude to leave the trolley outside. I may be wearing bermudas and t-shirt and wearing my glasses and obviously an Asian, but I’m not rude or stupid!
I was boiling when I finally drove away and I said to myself no way I’m going to go buy another box and repack all my things. So, I decided to go to another post office and try out. This is the 3rd post office that Fairfield had. I remembered that the people there are always friendly and helpful, so it should be better. This time, I got wiser and didn’t bring my box in. I waited in line and when it’s my turn, I asked the guy for the dimensions and weight for sending a box to S’pore. And the guy said he wasn’t sure and wanted to give me the number for the previous post office I went to and ask them! He said the guys there would know.
Well, I told him then that I had my box with me in the car and can I bring it in to show him? He asked for my dimensions and I told him it’s 18×18x24. When the guy heard that, he said, ‘Oh, that’s fine! That’s not too big, bring it in. And when you come in, don’t get in line again, just come straight to the counter for me.‘ I was so happy! He’s nice! The only thing is, I hope it wasn’t too heavy.
The problem is, this post office is smaller and I don’t see any trolley around so I didn’t ask for one. I had to try to carry the box in myself, which is impossible. I resorted to pulling and pushing on the ground until a kind old man saw me and offered to help me carry it in.
Alas, my box is too heavy! The computer wouldn’t even acknowledge how heavy it was! I still had to bring it home and take some things out to be packed into a smaller box. These going around, looking for a box, scissors, paper, tape, repacking and all made me sweat so much in the hot summer weather.
An hour later, I appeared at the same 3rd post office with my 2 boxes and I got them sent out! Managed to cut the big one down to 56lbs and the smaller one is 17lbs. Both together including insurance cost USD140.35 to send. It’s so freaking expensive although I already chose the cheapest way of sending, i.e., by boat, which will take 6-8 weeks to reach.
Actually I have more adventures to write about my events yesterday, but having written such a long one for the parcels, I’m tired. It’s time for lunch. I’ll write next time.
June 28, 2006 at 6:18 pm
Oh mine…what a hassle! But thankfully, its settled. One load off your mind liao.
June 28, 2006 at 10:09 pm
peng san lah you!!haha..oh well, its over eh.. more interesting stories to read soon.. ;)