Dutch - The best Doggy in the World

This week will be the last week I get to spend with Dutch, the Labrador dog of my host family. On Friday, Anne’s parents will be coming over to the house and when they go home on Monday, they will bring Dutch back with them. This is because Dutch needs to be quarantined for 6 months before she can go over to London. She’s still in her quarantine period and it will end in Sept. So, Anne’s parents are going to take care of Dutch in the meantime. My host family will get her when they come back for Dan’s sister’s wedding in Sept. This also means that I would not be able to see Dutch again after this week.
According to calculations, I should be ending my work with my host family in or around Sept. After that, I will do some travelling before going back to S’pore. So, I guess I may have to miss seeing Dutch in London. Didn’t think that I will miss her that much but as the week comes to an end, I realise that I do and will miss her. She’s the dog that I never had(except for ‘boy boy’ which I had for a short 3 months in 2001). Dutch is also the best and most well-behaved dog I’ve ever seen. She understands what you say to her and never barks unnecessarily. The most precious thing is that she’s so good with children. She’s so patient with the girls(especially Brigid), all over her. The most she does is to grunts a little or sigh but she never throw them off her or does anything to harm children. Because of Dutch’s big size, young children will naturally be scared of her if they see her at first. If they only know! I always feel sorry for Dutch that she has to be misunderstood just because of her big size.
I think Dutch realises that she’s going to not see me again. This week, she’s especially attached to me. Wherever I go in the house, she follows me. When I’m in the study on the computer(which is like most of the time), she’ll stay in the room with me too. She also likes to go to my room and look for me and even if I’m not in my room, she’ll lie there instead of her usual spot in my host parents’ room where she has her own bed. I guess she wants the smell of me in my room. Of course, sometimes she follows me around because she wants me to give her dog treats but even after I gave her some, she’ll still stick around. I can’t understand what she wants. Normally she doesn’t behave this way. Does she really know what’s going to happen? I didn’t even tell her!
Labradors normally can live up to 14-15 human years(I think) and considering that Dutch is already 9/10 human years old, the chance of me seeing her again after I leave, is slim. In a way, I think I’m glad for that too. I can’t imagine being there when she’s too old or too sick and have to be put down. Or worse, having an accident of some kind. I still remember how ‘boy boy’ died before my eyes. It was horrible and I don’t want to go through that. This way of saying goodbye is good cos I’ll always have the memory of when she’s well and cute in her own way, with her sad and pleading eyes. I’ll always remember taking her walks around the neighbourhood, giving her treats and meals and her eating right from my hand ever so gently.
I guess Brigid will find it difficult to adjust too. She loves her doggy! Always giving Dutch kisses on her head, patting her, hugging her and even using Dutch as a bed/pillow and laying on her. But for Brigid, it’s just a short few months of separation. For me, it maybe forever. Well, I’m thankful for this opportunity to have a dog to take care of and also love in my own way. Will always know Dutch as the Best Dog in The World!
awww.. you make me wanna cry too.. i’m sorry you have to leave Dutch behind dear..
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