People close to my heart
Having been abroad for so long, I’ve been missing a lot of friends. Out of all, I decided to show these people who are the closest to my heart. If not for them, I would have happily stayed abroad and not think of returning ever so often. Not to say, they’re the ones who I can’t bear to leave although the temptation is so great to.
Noelle (on the left). Xinqing and Dezhong’s cute daughter. Went through the whole process of Xinqing’s pregnancy to when Noelle was born. Most of my baby experience came from playing with Noelle ever since she was born. I left before her 1st birthday and came back when she’s 3 years. Yixuan (on right). Xiaoling and Enwei’s daughter. I left just as Xiaoling announced her pregnancy. Missed all the actions. She’s already 2 years old now and learning lots of things. I’m glad she’s taken to me quite fast and is willing to share her smiles with me. Feel quite proud of myself as she’s not known to be friend
ly! Haha!

Noah. Noelle’s little brother. He’s 1 year old now. He’s going to be one mischievous boy but you can’t help but fall in love with him when he smiles at you. Unlike his sister, he either shows a blur or naughty face mos
t of the time. Not so easy to pacify and getting more demanding.

My Bangkok shopping and massaging kakis! Had a great time with them in Bangkok. They’re also the core ‘hong sim’ group with whom I shared many ‘news’ with, over many cups of teh tarik. They’re the people whom I find the hardest to leave and they’re always the ones to know the latest in my life, and I would go to should I have any pro
blems or concerns. 

My beloved fellowship group! Yes, they’re the ones I think of most when I’m away. Oh, lots of others are missing, mostly those parents who have child-care obligations.
Don’t worry, I miss your children, I miss you guys too(you know who you are)! I’ve been in this fellowship ever since I came to this church 8 years ago (such a long time ago!). They’re the ones I count on to keep me grounded. They offer me advises based on their view point of life and also on biblical point of view, so I treasure each and every one of them. Due to our work, social, and life commitments, it is rare for us to gather in a big group as shown in the pictures. As such, each gathering is treasured and remembered. God bless each one of them.

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