Thursday, 6 September 2007


On the last Sunday of August, I organised a farewell dinner for one beloved sister-in-Christ, let’s call her J. She’s going to Taiwan to follow her dream. Though vague with details and plans, I still wish her well, much to the worries of the others around her. Yes, silly and dangerous for a single girl to go alone to a foreign land. Yes, silly to leave your family and friends and a stable job to chase a dream. Having also done that when I left for USA, I can understand why J did it. She feels that it’s the right time, and things are going smoothly for her to go, isn’t it? This feeling of the right time, very hard to explain. Some would say that it’s God telling us to do something, some would call it gut feeling. Whatever it is, only the person experiencing it would know
The main point of this post is not whether J made the right decision to go or not. The point of this post is: Why does it take a person leaving to get all of us together? The dinner had almost 100% attendance. Almost. One person couldn’t make it at the last minute. One of the brothers said when he knew that J was leaving, no matter what, he’ll make it for this farewell dinner. My question is, ‘why’? Why do we try to get together only when we know there’s no more time for us to get together anymore? What about the time that there was plenty of time for each other? How do we know when is the last time we get together? How do we know that we can get the chance to have a ‘farewell’ dinner? Have often heard of people saying, ‘Live each day like it’s your last’. So based on this saying, shouldn’t we always treasure each and every time we have a chance to get together? It may be for a casual, nothing-to-do, sort of dinner, but if it’s quality time spent with the friends we love, the brothers and sisters we care about, shouldn’t we always make the effort?

What if I have no time for ‘Farewell’?

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