I'm so blessed!
Didn’t I just mention in my previous post that good things are coming my way? Well, since I’m going to be travelling and leaving my host family soon and my host mum will be travelling a lot and we won’t see each other much, they decided to give me my farewell present now while both of us are here.
After I posted my blog, my host mum came home from work and they presented me with my brand new Olympus X-715 digital camera!! My very own digital camera! They wanted to give me in time for my travels and also to thank me for the 2 years of looking after the girls. They made Kara and Brigid give me big hugs. I was so touched and happy to see the camera that I cried on the spot. I gave all of them, including my host parents, hugs to thank them for their generosity.
The present even included a 512MB memory card and a camera case. Wow! I can take pictures without worry now! I’m just on top of the world right now. God really knows my needs and presented me with the solution just at the very last minute. I’ve been praying about what to do with a camera since I broke the one my host parents loaned me. Now, He gave me the solution when I least expected it! Really very blessed, me. Sure, the camera is not the best one there is, but it’s free and it’s mine! My very own! I still can’t believe it. I’ve been surfing around, intending to buy one when I get back to S’pore, now I don’t have to worry about it!
Well, have to go play with my new toy, make sure I know the functions before I go on my trip tomorrow. Need to sleep soon too, although I’m pretty excited to. Blog again when I come back from Ireland in a week!
August 30, 2006 at 6:40 pm
yabba dabba doo…so happy you’ve got a free camera. they are just so thoughtful…i can imagine your ‘over-the-moon’ look..practice practice and shoot some Ireland, Mexico, England, everywhere for me to see….the grass, the sky, the architecture, the people and of course YOU.