Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Robin Williams died today(or yesterday, to be precise), due to suicide from depression. 

People often said that those who have the courage to take their own lives, would have the courage to live and face whatever is troubling them. This is spoken by people who have not really reached the end of the line for them. They would not know of the despair, the isolation, the hurt and heart-break as experienced by someone who decided to end it all. Those in depression thinks about taking their lives everyday, constantly. The fact that they live on through each day, is courage in itself. Even those who appears 'normal', you don't really know the sadness behind their smiles. Have you taken a closer look into their eyes and realise that they hurt? Have you tried to apply yourself into their situations and realise that to them, it was all that they had? Someone taking their own lives and succeeding at it in the end, must have really felt so terrible that they just wished it all to stop. To stop the pain; to stop trying, to stop finding the gold at the end of the rainbow. How very sad that person must be at that point in time to choose this path! 

I did a bit of research and found that being an illness, people can be addicted to being depressed. Yes. It's really so much easier to think of everything gloomily rather than getting your hopes high, being positive, and then have it all crushing down again. There's just so much that a person can take. 

I know, because I'm facing it now. 

1 comment:

  1. Stay positive my dear friend! You are not alone....never alone...remember, GOD is always by your side. Thats your faith. Confide in someone, try to take a vacation and recharge, go on some meditation retreat and find peace.....do something that you enjoy. Just dont give up yet.Hang on....this could just be a short phase....you will get over it super soon.....
