Carrot cake
I finally tried out the recipe for baking the carrot cake. The result is not bad at all. Probably that the frosting is too sweet for everyone's tastes but then I think that should be how cakes taste like. Anyway, other then posting up pictures of how the cake turns out, I want to blog about my baking process. It was an eventful day, even though it's my day of rest (don't even have to go choir tonight!) at home.
Well, since it's Friday, I woke up in time to watch 'Survivor', direct off satellite on tv. I had planned to bake the carrot cake today, so I got ready all the things that I need to use and wash them so they would be dry when I need to use them. Nearing the end of 'Survivor', a person from NEA came to check on the house for Aedes mosquitoes. Good thing nothing found or we would have been summoned. After the man left, I was hesitating whether to bake or not. The weather is so super hot that I have no mood to do anything. Just want to sit in front of the computer and do nothing. In the end, I thought since I got the things ready, I might as well do it, if not, I may not have time to do it and I really want to try out this recipe.
So, I have some ingredients that I need to buy from the shop, so I changed to go downstairs. he moment I reached the first level, and stepped out of the lift, it started to rain. I was going to risk it by running across to the next block (where the shop is) but found the rain to be a little heavy, so I decided to go back home to get an umbrella. I also remembered that I had clothes that I need to bring in from the rain! So, I went up again, brought in the clothes, brought along a bag to put my groceries (so can save the environment by not using plastic bags), took an umbrella and prepared to go down a second time. While waiting for the lift, I noticed that it's not raining anymore!!?? It's a passing shower. I left my umbrella by the door and went to get my things. I managed to get all the things I need except cream cheese. So, I had to walk two blocks to another shop to try my luck and I was very happy that I found it!
By the time I got home, I was pretty sweaty and tired, but getting the things made me all excited and I proceeded with my baking. All went well. I'm glad to report that it turned out exactly as I wanted. Ok, enough with all these talks. Pictures for you!
This was taken when the cake was fresh out of the oven. Looks very good! I didn't over bake it, surprisingly as I tend to do that, holding the view that, 'Overdone is better than underdone'. Ha!
The cake after it has cooled and I put frosting on. I was in a hurry to eat and see how it tastes like, so I cut it very quickly before remembering about taking pictures.Close up of the inside of the cake. I also added walnuts into it as I've also liked the feeling of having things to bite when eating.
Comments from my family are that the frosting is a tad too sweet but the walnuts give the cake a nice flavour. I don't know why, but my mum says she can taste almonds! I didn't even put almond essence! Well, anyway, this project goes well! But it's so troublesome to make it. I'd rather stick to my Blueberry Crumble. Next time, I'll try cheesecake.
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