New Endeavours
Have been in very bad shape recently, with being sick, vacation, and the pulling out of my wisdom teeth. My 2 wisdom teeth are like gold teeth. Costs me over US$800 to pull them out. I think when I go back to S’pore, I won’t complain so much about the prices there. Only when I’m here then I appreciate things back home.
Well, on a happy note, I’m going to reveal what my plans are for the next few months, at least till the end of the year. In my previous few post, I said that I have something new coming up and I didn’t reveal what it was because it was not confirmed. Now, everything is confirmed, more or less, so I’m going to blog down and let whoever is reading know what the good news is, although I think by now most of everyone knows about it. I’ve told almost those that need to be told. Anyway, the good news is that I’m going to be living in London, UK! So, from USA, I’m going to move to UK.
My host mum, Anne, was offered and accepted a position with her company’s office in London, so the whole family is going to move over there with her. They want to bring me along to help the girls with the transition while they’re busy with the new home and settling down process. For now, we’re going to move beginning of July, when the school year ends for the girls and for my host dad, who’s an Assistant Principal. Since my contract with the family is ending in September, they would like me to stay with them till then. My plan is that I would like to stay there longer if needed, just to travel around and absorb whatever UK has to offer me, till the end of the year.
I know that by the time I go back to S’pore, I will be almost 28. Only 2 more years to the big three-O. Well, for a girl, it’s really a big step and process. When I look at friends around me, they have either a career or family of both, while I have nothing accomplished in these 3 decades. However, if someone asks me whether I regret choosing this path, I would answer, ‘No’. I feel that I’ve did things that others only dream about. Granted that I do not have monetary nor luxury gains, I did achieve things that I can honestly answer to myself. Those who follow the rat race are those who are afraid of losing out in this society that demands on success. I still don’t know what I’m going to do when I eventually return to S’pore, but even this uncertainty cannot stop me from going back. I know that I WILL go back, just don’t know when.
So far, I’ve been praying for directions and I have to say that I’m guilty of not really following what God tells me to, but rather following what my heart tells me to. But I can feel God always being with me and whatever path I choose, He’s there for me and helping me along the way. I can feel my friends sort of giving up on me and losing their patience in waiting for me to go back. Well, can’t really blame them. When someone is away for so long, you have nothing in common to talk about and for any attempts in conversation to just flow, it’s difficult. I’m sort of in a limbo position. By moving away, I’m not only losing the friends I’m already losing back home in S’pore, I’m also losing the new friends that I’ve made here in USA during the 20 months I’m here. While promises of keeping in touch are always made, the task of actually doing it is something that we do not have control of. I still remember that this happens during the volunteer trip to China. Before we came back, we promise to meet up and keep in touch often no matter how busy we are, but each person has their own path and life to follow and now, I’ve not seen them for a few years. Can’t really blame anyone. This is life. We meet new people and lose old ones, the cycle of life just goes on. No one will stop living just because some others is not there.
Whoever is reading this, treasure whatever you have and please pray for me! I really just want to be happy.
May 8, 2006 at 4:34 pm
dear winnie, I read your blogs occasionally. Granted, the pace of life in Singapore is way way too fast, even I don’t have the time to catch up with much friends either. You’re not alone, yet you’re still one of those whom I treasure dearly and always fondly remembered. I endeavour, however, to start catching up with good ol’ friends and staying in touch with them, even through cyber-life! Will you join me? :)