Thursday 18 May 2006

Long lost friends and birthdays

In the news in USA recently are a lot of bad reports on the internet uses of personal web spaces, like Friendster, Hi 5, and particularly MySpace. There have been lots of reports of adult male using these web sites to get to know teenage or young girls, meeting them up and then molesting them. I think it is all these black sheep that gives us internet users of such sites a bad name. I have found that these sites are very good tools for keeping in touch with friends, letting friends know what’s happening in your life and for finding lost friends.

Ever since coming here to the States, I have found so many long lost friends through Friendster and have kept in touch with them by sending messages to them. It really makes me happy to be able to see that they remember me and still wants to keep in touch! I do miss all the times that I spend with each of them in the past, whether we are close or not. It is those who I were once close and then lost touch with that I really miss. The only regret is that because I’m so far away, even when we found each other, we can only make promises to meet up when I’m back in S’pore. This is sort of difficult as we never know when I’m back and what will happen then. But, it is precisely because I’m here and have so much time that I found them. So, I guess the first step to find them is the most important, right? Should be happy for it and don’t ask for too much.

Since my own birthday is coming up, I’ve been thinking about birthdays a lot this week. Talking about friends and long lost friends, I just want my friends to know that I actually do remember most of their birthdays. Even if I don’t anything like send sms, send cards, give presents, call them or whatever, I still remember them. In fact, one of my favourite pastime is to take out my contact lists and see whose birthday is coming up. Whenever I remember someone’s birthday on a particular day, I would say a short prayer to God asking Him to keep that person safe and happy and whisper a ‘Happy Birthday’ to that person in my heart. Sounds very weird, I know, but I just can’t help remembering people’s birthdays and it’s awkward to call when you have not been keeping in touch for so long or when you don’t even know how to contact them.

So friends, do know that I think of you even when I don’t show it!

May 18, 2006 at 6:26 pm

Hi Winnie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a fun time!

May 19, 2006 at 10:43 am

Happy birthday to you! I remembered also!

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